When importing personalization transport files R21K900693 into SAP BW, an error may occur that shows two tables can not
be activated.
TABLE /CRYSTAL/PERS_VALUE could not be activated
TABLE /CRYSTAL/PERS_VAR could not be activated
The transport Personalization (R21K9000693) fails with:
Program /CRYSTAL/SAPLPERS, Include /CRYSTAL/LPERS$01: Syntax error in line 000012
Field '/CRYSTAL/PERS_VAR' is unknown. It is neither in one of the specified tables nor defined by a.
When trying to activate '/CRYSTAL/PERS_VAR' manually, I get the following error:
Table name /CRYSTAL/PERS_VAR does not lie in valid namespace.
- Business Objects Enterprise (BOE) XI 3.1 SP3
- XI 3.1 Integration for SAP Solutions SP3
xi31, xir3, xir31, boxir3, bor3, boer3, PERS_VALUE, PERS_VAR, int kit, business objects, kit, tms , KBA , BI-BIP-IK , Integration; Integration kits for SAP, Baan, PeopleSoft, Sie , BI-BIP-INS , Installation, Updates, Upgrade, Patching , Bug Filed
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