BPC Transport Failed with error: Start of the after-import method
RS_APPS_AFTER_IMPORT for object type(s) APPS (Activation Mode).
Expanding the transport logs you will see something similar to the following:
Table /B28/SVMPXGK8 is still referenced
Domain /B28/OVMPXGK8 is still referenced
Data element /B28/OIVMPXGK8 is still referenced
Search help /B28/OVMPXGK8 is still being referenced
Data Element /B28/OIVMPXGK8 (Revised and Active vers.) was not deleted (check references)
/B28/OIVMPXGK8 is still used in Table /B28/SVMPXGK8
/B28/OIVMPXGK8 is still used in Table /BI0/0P00000007
Domain /B28/OVMPXGK8 (Revised and Active vers.) was not deleted (check references)
/B28/OVMPXGK8 is still used in Data Element /B28/OIVMPXGK8
Srch Help /B28/OVMPXGK8 (Revised and Active vers.) was not deleted (check references)
/B28/OVMPXGK8 is still used in Data Element /B28/OIVMPXGK8
Table /B28/SVMPXGK8 (Revised and Active vers.) was not deleted (check references)
/B28/SVMPXGK8 is still used as Value Table in Domain /B28/OVMPXGK8
DDIC Object DTEL /B28/OIVMPXGK8 has not been deleted
Error when deleting object InfoObject /CPMB/VMPXGK8
Characteristic /CPMB/VMPXGK8: Error when generating master data routines
Error when resetting InfoObject /CPMB/VMPXGK8 to the active version
The object names will be different, but at least one object is part of namespace BI0.
transport, BI0 , KBA , EPM-BPC-NW , NetWeaver Version , How To
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