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1486846 - When BMC Remedy Action Request System Version: 7.5.00 is installed on a computer with designer and crystal reports SAP SSO with designer may fail


  • When BMC Remedy Action Request System Version: 7.5.00 is installed on a computer with designer and crystal reports SAP SSO with designer may fail
  • Logging info caused by the conflict
\dac\kdaconec.cpp:811:struct BOSuccess __cdecl                                                                                     
_BOListOfConnectionInfo::TestTheConnection(class BOString,class                                                                     
BOString,class BOString,class BOString,enum ConnectionTestDlgEnum,class                                                             
BOString &,class BOString): TraceLog message 1                                                                                      
2010/06/24 18:31:50.678|>>|E| | 5988|3028|                                                                                          
|||||||||||||||_BOListOfConnectionInfo::TestTheConnection : DBD:Unable                                                              
to connect to SAP BW server Incomplete logon data.                                                                                  
.\cswiz\CSWizCtrl.cpp:2302:struct _TREEITEM *__thiscall                                                                             
CCubeTree_Ctrl::Expand(long,struct _TREEITEM *,int,int): TraceLog                                                                   
message 2                                                                                                                           
2010/06/24 18:32:05.662|>>|E| | 5988|3028|                                                                                          
|||||||||||||||CCubeTree_Ctrl::FillTree : DBD:Unable to connect to SAP                                                              
BW server Incomplete logon data.                                                                                                    
.\cswiz\CSWizCtrl.cpp:2302:struct _TREEITEM *__thiscall                                                                             
CCubeTree_Ctrl::Expand(long,struct _TREEITEM *,int,int): TraceLog                                                                   
message 3                                                                                                                           
2010/06/24 18:32:57.114|>>|E| | 5988|3028|                                                                                          
|||||||||||||||CCubeTree_Ctrl::FillTree : DBD:Unable to connect to SAP                                                              
BW server Incomplete logon data.                                                                                                    
..\universe\kunvstg.cpp:217:const class std::vector<class                                                                           
ConnectionServer::Strategy,class std::allocator<class                                                                               
ConnectionServer::Strategy> > *__cdecl _BOStrategy::GetStrategySet                                                                  
(void): TraceLog message 4                                                                                                          
2010/06/24 18:33:40.378|>>|E| | 5988|3028|                                                                                          
|||||||||||||||_BOStrategy::GetStrategySet :Parameter 'Strategies File'                                                             
is not defined                                                                                                                      
..\universe\kunvstg.cpp:217:const class std::vector<class                                                                           
ConnectionServer::Strategy,class std::allocator<class                                                                               
ConnectionServer::Strategy> > *__cdecl _BOStrategy::GetStrategySet                                                                  
(void): TraceLog message 5                                                                                                          
2010/06/24 18:33:40.378|>>|E| | 5988|3028|                                                                                          
|||||||||||||||_BOStrategy::GetStrategySet :Parameter 'Strategies File'                                                             
is not defined                                                                                                                      
..\universe\kunvstg.cpp:217:const class std::vector<class                                                                           
ConnectionServer::Strategy,class std::allocator<class                                                                               
ConnectionServer::Strategy> > *__cdecl _BOStrategy::GetStrategySet                                                                  
(void): TraceLog message 6                                                                                                          
2010/06/24 18:33:40.378|>>|E| | 5988|3028|                                                                                          
|||||||||||||||_BOStrategy::GetStrategySet :Parameter 'Strategies File'                                                             
is not defined                                                                                                                      
.\cswiz\CSWizCtrl.cpp:2302:struct _TREEITEM *__thiscall                                                                             
CCubeTree_Ctrl::Expand(long,struct _TREEITEM *,int,int): TraceLog                                                                   
message 7                                                                                                                           
2010/06/24 18:36:58.123|>>|E| | 5988|3028|                                                                                          
|||||||||||||||CCubeTree_Ctrl::FillTree : DBD:Unable to connect to SAP                                                              
BW server Incomplete logon data.                                 



XI 3.1 SP2 FP 2.1 with SAP integration kit FP 2.1


SAP enhancement package 1 for SAP NetWeaver 7.0


KBA , BI-BIP-SL , Semantic Layer , Problem

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