- VAL-030524 Data flow <Real-Time_Job_Name> must have both a message reader and message loader.
- [Real-time Job:Real-Time_Job_Name] Parallel execution of flows is not allowed in real-time jobs. Use only one sequential flow (all flows are sequentially connected). (BODI-1111231)
- [Real-time Job:Real-Time_Job_Name] Parallel execution of sequential flows is not allowed. Use only one sequential flow (all flows are sequentially connected) or use the parallel execution (all flows are not connected). (BODI-1111177)
- [Real-time Job:Real-Time_Job_Name] Dataflow_Name can't be the first step in real-time processing block. Must have XML or IDoc request. (BODI-1111233)
- Erroneous parallel block <RT_Process_begins>. Only calls to flows are legal for parallel execution. (BODI-1111176)
- Erroneous parallel block <Step_ends>. Only calls to flows are legal for parallel execution. (BODI-1111176)
- [StepEndsMarker:Step_ends] Real-time processing block must have both BEGIN and END. (BODI-1111238)
- [Real-time Job:Real-Time_Job_Name] A real-time job must have one and only one real-time processing block. (BODI-1111230)
- Data Services
- Data Integrator
- Real-time job
SAP Data Integrator XI R2 Accelerated ; SAP Data Services all versions
BODI, BODS, DSXI, DI, DS, XI, realtime, real, time, RT, 030524, 30524, 1111231, 1111177. 1111233, 1111176, 1111238, 1111230 , KBA , EIM-DI , Data Integrator, Composer , EIM-DS , Data Services , Problem
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