- Getting a BODI-1111232 error when validating a real-time job.
- Getting an error about a message target when executing a real-time job.
- SESSION RealTime_Job_Name the last data flow of real-time processing block <RealTime_Job_Name> must have a message target.
- [Real-time Job:RealTime_Job_Name] BODI-1111232: The first step must be an XML request data flow, and the last step must be an XML reply data flow in the real-time processing block.
- Data Services
- Data Integrator
SAP Data Integrator all versions ; SAP Data Services all versions
real, time, realtime, 1111232, BODI, BODS, DSXI, DI, DS, XI , KBA , EIM-DS , Data Services , EIM-DI , Data Integrator, Composer , Problem
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