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1495252 - Dataservices error using WSDL - There is no response for the web service <?????>. Ensure that the network, the web server, and the service are running.


Sourcing the service via three methods results in three different results:

1) With the native webservice datastore, we get an error.
There is no response for the web service <?????>. Ensure that the network, the web server, and the service are running. 
However, the user is created in BOE.                                    
We tried calling the webservice with the adapter, and now we get the error: 

2) Web Services client unable to invoke a Web Services server. Error: ; nested exception is:org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The markup in the document preceding the root element must be well-formed.
The user is created in BOE successfully.

3) From SOAPUI, the call completes successfully, and the following message is returned: "<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV=""><SOAP-ENV:Header/><SOAP-ENV:Body><ns2:AddCmcUserResponse xmlns:ns2=""><ns2:return>SUCCESS</ns2:return></ns2:AddCmcUserResponse></SOAP-ENV:Body></SOAP-ENV:Envelope>[\r][\n]".  



The Spring Framework is an open source application framework for the Java platform.


SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0


KBA , EIM-DS , Data Services , Problem

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