- Crystal Reports for Eclipse 2.0 used to develop a desktop Crystal Reports Java SDK desktop application.
- The com.crystaldecisions.ReportViewer.ReportViewerBean Java Applet class used to display Crystal Reports.
- ReportViewerBean stop and destroy methods are being invoked after use, and all references to the class instance nulled.
- The ReportViewerBean does not get garbage-collected, but remains in memory.
Member properties associated with the com.businessobjects.crystalreports.viewer.applet.PrintControlsPanel are not being correctly dereferenced.
Issue has been tracked under tracking number ADAPT01326451.
To resolve, install Crystal Reports for Eclipse 2.0 Update 4 or higher, and update Crystal Reports Java 2.0 libraries to Update 4 or higher.
KBA , BI-DEV-JAV , BI Software Development Kits (SDKs) - Java , Bug Filed
Crystal Reports, version for Eclipse 2.0