- No error in the Oracleschema.log when executing the SQL script into database
- From ModelBuilder, Error "8088000A, Model disabled" when trying to create a new model in a new PCM database instance
Call stack:
Recursive call (2 times):
:004CF263 [PCMUI.exe] TPADModel.TranslateModelNames (PADLib_TLB.pas, line 4671)
:7C81EB33 [kernel32.dll]
Recursive call (2 times):
:004CF263 [PCMUI.exe] TPADModel.TranslateModelNames (PADLib_TLB.pas, line 4671)
:004C2DE6 [PCMUI.exe] EOleException.Create
:004C2DFC [PCMUI.exe] EOleException.Create
:00404C32 [PCMUI.exe] AfterConstruction
Recursive call (3 times):
:004CF263 [PCMUI.exe] TPADModel.TranslateModelNames (PADLib_TLB.pas, line 4671)
:004A8994 [PCMUI.exe] TCustomActionList.IsShortCut
:00407BDF [PCMUI.exe] CheckAutoResult
:004CF263 [PCMUI.exe] TPADModel.TranslateModelNames (PADLib_TLB.pas, line 4671)
:00AC0A4F [PCMUI.exe] TfrmNewModelDlg.Execute (EPONewModelDialog.pas, line 223)
:004A8994 [PCMUI.exe] TCustomActionList.IsShortCut
:00AC46E2 [PCMUI.exe] TfrmModelAdmin.DoCreateModel (EPOModelAdminForm.pas, line 457)
:00AC47AE [PCMUI.exe] TfrmModelAdmin.actCreateExecute (EPOModelAdminForm.pas, line 472)
:004324F6 [PCMUI.exe] TBasicAction.Execute
:004A8612 [PCMUI.exe] TContainedAction.Execute
:004A92B4 [PCMUI.exe] TCustomAction.Execute
:004323CC [PCMUI.exe] TBasicActionLink.Execute
:004583B4 [PCMUI.exe] TBitBtn.SetButtonStyle
:0049D498 [PCMUI.exe] TControl.Click
:004927B1 [PCMUI.exe] TButton.Click
:0045841E [PCMUI.exe] TBitBtn.Click
:004928A5 [PCMUI.exe] TButton.CNCommand
:0049D317 [PCMUI.exe] TControl.WndProc
:77D1882A [user32.dll]
:77D1C63F [user32.dll]
:77D1E905 [user32.dll]
:004A0468 [PCMUI.exe] TWinControl.DefaultHandler
:7C91F0AA [ntdll.dll]
:7C91D9C1 [ntdll.dll]
:7C80CB09 [kernel32.dll]
:7C80CB22 [kernel32.dll]
:004A0384 [PCMUI.exe] TWinControl.WndProc
:77D1D074 [user32.dll]
:00492675 [PCMUI.exe] TButtonControl.WndProc
:004ECACC [PCMUI.exe] TWinControlTrap.WindowProc (TntControls.pas, line 717)
:0049D0E7 [PCMUI.exe] TControl.Perform
:004A04BC [PCMUI.exe] DoControlMsg
:004A0B74 [PCMUI.exe] TWinControl.WMCommand
:0049D317 [PCMUI.exe] TControl.WndProc
:7C91F0AA [ntdll.dll]
- SAP BusinessObjects Profitability and Cost Management 10 onwards including Support Packages (SAP EPM PCM)
8088000A, Model disabled, SQL scripts, TranslateModelNames, SAP PCM new model , KBA , EPM-PCM , Profitability and Cost Management, EPO, PP, AA, Metify , Problem
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