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1496571 - 8088000A, Model disabled when creating PCM model


  • No error in the Oracleschema.log when executing the SQL script into database
  • From ModelBuilder, Error "8088000A, Model disabled" when trying to create a new model in a new PCM database instance

Call stack:
Recursive call (2 times):
:004CF263 [PCMUI.exe] TPADModel.TranslateModelNames (PADLib_TLB.pas, line 4671)
:7C81EB33 [kernel32.dll]
Recursive call (2 times):
:004CF263 [PCMUI.exe] TPADModel.TranslateModelNames (PADLib_TLB.pas, line 4671)
:004C2DE6 [PCMUI.exe] EOleException.Create
:004C2DFC [PCMUI.exe] EOleException.Create
:00404C32 [PCMUI.exe] AfterConstruction
Recursive call (3 times):
:004CF263 [PCMUI.exe] TPADModel.TranslateModelNames (PADLib_TLB.pas, line 4671)
:004A8994 [PCMUI.exe] TCustomActionList.IsShortCut
:00407BDF [PCMUI.exe] CheckAutoResult
:004CF263 [PCMUI.exe] TPADModel.TranslateModelNames (PADLib_TLB.pas, line 4671)
:00AC0A4F [PCMUI.exe] TfrmNewModelDlg.Execute (EPONewModelDialog.pas, line 223)
:004A8994 [PCMUI.exe] TCustomActionList.IsShortCut
:00AC46E2 [PCMUI.exe] TfrmModelAdmin.DoCreateModel (EPOModelAdminForm.pas, line 457)
:00AC47AE [PCMUI.exe] TfrmModelAdmin.actCreateExecute (EPOModelAdminForm.pas, line 472)
:004324F6 [PCMUI.exe] TBasicAction.Execute
:004A8612 [PCMUI.exe] TContainedAction.Execute
:004A92B4 [PCMUI.exe] TCustomAction.Execute
:004323CC [PCMUI.exe] TBasicActionLink.Execute
:004583B4 [PCMUI.exe] TBitBtn.SetButtonStyle
:0049D498 [PCMUI.exe] TControl.Click
:004927B1 [PCMUI.exe] TButton.Click
:0045841E [PCMUI.exe] TBitBtn.Click
:004928A5 [PCMUI.exe] TButton.CNCommand
:0049D317 [PCMUI.exe] TControl.WndProc
:77D1882A [user32.dll]
:77D1C63F [user32.dll]
:77D1E905 [user32.dll]
:004A0468 [PCMUI.exe] TWinControl.DefaultHandler
:7C91F0AA [ntdll.dll]
:7C91D9C1 [ntdll.dll]
:7C80CB09 [kernel32.dll]
:7C80CB22 [kernel32.dll]
:004A0384 [PCMUI.exe] TWinControl.WndProc
:77D1D074 [user32.dll]
:00492675 [PCMUI.exe] TButtonControl.WndProc
:004ECACC [PCMUI.exe] TWinControlTrap.WindowProc (TntControls.pas, line 717)
:0049D0E7 [PCMUI.exe] TControl.Perform
:004A04BC [PCMUI.exe] DoControlMsg
:004A0B74 [PCMUI.exe] TWinControl.WMCommand
:0049D317 [PCMUI.exe] TControl.WndProc
:7C91F0AA [ntdll.dll]



  • SAP BusinessObjects Profitability and Cost Management 10 onwards including Support Packages (SAP EPM PCM)


SAP Profitability and Cost Management all versions


8088000A, Model disabled, SQL scripts, TranslateModelNames, SAP PCM new model , KBA , EPM-PCM , Profitability and Cost Management, EPO, PP, AA, Metify , Problem

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