SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

1500875 - Split Criteria in Customer Invoicing


The Items to be invoiced based on the same sales order cannot be combined into one invoice. The system splits the invoice into two invoices.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Customer Invoicing work center.
  2. Select the Invoice Requests view.
  3. Select the respective To Be Invoiced Invoice Requests which are based on sales order XYZ (XYZ represents the number of the sales order).
  4. Press the Invoice button.
  5. In the New Invoice window the items are split into two invoices instead of combining them into one customer invoice as expected.


Summary of Split Criteria:

In general, the System will always try to combine as many items to be invoiced into one invoice as possible. This can only be achieved as long as the items to be invoiced have equal split criteria. If at least one of the criteria shown below are not uniform amongst the Items to be invoiced, the Items to be Invoiced will be split into several invoices.

  • Parties on header level such as Seller, Account Name and Address, Payer Name and Address, Bill-to Name and Address:
    If there are Items to be Invoiced that differ with regards to the parties on header level, the Items to be Invoiced are automatically split into several invoices, so that only the Items to be Invoiced with uniform Parties on header level are invoiced within one invoicing document.
    Please Note: Currently the Invoice Split will also occur if the Parties are changed manually in the Involved Parties tab of the sales order. This means that the instead of the master data address a document address is used. This is a known system limitation and is currently being reviewed and will change in a future release.
    The Address is also case sensitive. The split will also occur if you use different lower and per cases for e.g. in the city part of the address.
    For the Bill-To Party Address you have the option to redetermine the Address by activating the scoping question: Do you want to redetermine the address of the Bill-To Party from the master data at the time of invoice creation?
    With Release 2411, for the Seller Party address you have the option to redetermine the address of the Seller Party at the time of invoice creation by activating the scoping question: Do you want to redetermine the address of the Seller Party from the master data at the time of invoice creation?
  • Currency: 
    Items to be invoiced with differing currencies are automatically split into several invoices.
  • Payment terms: 
    Items to be invoiced with differing payment terms are automatically split into several invoices.
  • Payment Method: 
    Items to be invoiced with differing payment methods are automatically split into several invoices.
  • Tax Country:
    Items to be invoiced with differing tax country are automatically split into several invoices.
  • Customer’s Tax Number/Byer Tax Registration:
    System-based Invoice requests with different customers’ tax numbers on item level are split into several invoices.
    Invoice Requests which are invoiced together but are based on different Sales Orders, Services Order or Contracts for which the Customers Tax Number differed will split into different Invoices.
  • Invoice Date: 
    If, in the Simple Creation, the Invoice Date of the Items to be invoiced differs, the system automatically creates several invoice documents. It is possible to overwrite the Invoice Date in the Simple Creation, but this does not countermand the fact that several invoices are created.
    In the Advanced Creation and in the Invoice Run, the Invoice Date from the Items to be invoiced can be overwritten manually and thus it can be influenced if several invoices are created or if several Items to be Invoiced are invoiced with the same Invoice Date.
    Please Note: Changing the date in the invoice will have no effect because by that time the invoice is split already. If you do not want a split then you would have to change the date in the Sales Order / Outbound delivery before the invoice is created.
  • Posting Date:
    The posting date in the Invoice Request needs to be the same. If one invoice request has a value maintained and the other invoice request has no value maintained the invoice split will occur.
  • Invoice Type: 
    There are four invoice types: Customer Invoice, Customer Down Payment, Correction Invoice and Customer Credit Memo.
    As soon as the Invoice Type of the Items to be invoiced selected differs, the Items to be invoiced are split automatically into several invoices.
  • External Reference:
    If the settings for the variant Customer Invoice Processing - Standard for Invoices or Credit Memos in the fine tuning activity External Reference Number Determination for Customer Invoice is Copied from Predecessor Reference ID and invoice split will occur if the external reference number of the preceding document e. g. Sales Orders are different. As only one external reference can be passed on to accounting for one customer invoice, the external reference is part of the customer invoice and automatically leads to an invoice split.
  • Extension Fields:
    An extension field has been created on header level of the invoice request and is passed on to the header level of the customer invoice and the value of the extension fields differ an invoice split will occur.
  • Payment Reference ID:
    When creating the sales orders via ManageSalesOrderIn web service, if you pass different values for the Payment Reference ID under <ExternalPayment> tag, this will result in an invoice split for the related invoice requests. Please note it is possible to send the same reference for two different sales orders to avoid the split.
  • Pricing Procedure:
    Invoice requests with different pricing procedures such as Net and Gross (Price in), are split into several invoices.
  • Company Tax Registration Details:
  • Documents with missing Company Tax Registration details on the price and tax node are split into several invoices. In this case the customer can:

    1. Make a dummy change to a sales order item and switch the tax date to another value and make. This will update the values.

    2. Go to price and take and click Update Pricing -> Keep Manual Changes.

In case of Manual Invoice Request:

  • Sales Organization: If two Manual Invoice Request have different Sales Organization, you will have split on Invoice. Recommendation is to use different Sales Units instead of different Sales Organizations.
  • Please note: splitting on Sales Organization also applies on manually created Over-the-Counter Sales since they are created as Invoice Requests and on new Manual Credit Memo Requests.
  • Intracompany - If you created a Manual Invoice Request for an Account in an Intracompany scenario, the system creates a supplier invoice and this is a split criteria.

In case of Down Payment Invoice Request:

  • It is not possible to combine multiple Down Payment Invoice Requests into one Invoice since a Down Payment Invoice Request does not contain any items as such which could be combined in one invoice.


This is the standard system behavior.

If you would like to set up additional parameters for the invoice split you can do this in the fine tuning activity Customer Invoice Split Rule in your Business Configuration.

Instead of defaulting the Bill-To address from the corresponding predecessor document, the system will default the address from the master data at the time of customer invoice and project invoice request creation if you activate the scoping question: Do you want to redetermine the address of the Bill-To Party from the master data at the time of invoice creation?

With Release 2411, instead of defaulting the Seller Party address from the corresponding predecessor document, the system will default the address from the master data at the time of customer invoice creation if you activate the scoping question: Do you want to redetermine the address of the Seller Party from the master data at the time of invoice creation?

  1. Go to the Business Configuration work center.
  2. Select the Implementation Projects view.
  3. Select your implementation project and click on the Open Project Scope button.
  4. Navigate to the Questions tab.
  5. Expand the Path: Sales -> Customer Invoicing -> Miscellaneous Invoicing
  6. In the Group Miscellaneous Invoicing you can find the questions and can activate them as per your requirement: 
    Do you want to redetermine the address of the Seller Party from the master data at the time of invoice creation?
    Do you want to redetermine the address of the Bill-To Party from the master data at the time of invoice creation?

See Also

KBA 1720356 - How To Determine The External Reference In A Customer Invoice

KBA 2564411 - Invoice Split of Credit Memo and Invoice Items


split criteria, over the counter, invoice, manual invoice request, splitting, invoicing, invoice request; Seller; Bill-To; Party; Address , KBA , customer invoice , split analysis , split , invoice split , AP-CI , Customer Invoice Processing , How To


SAP Business ByDesign all versions


1500875 - Chinese Translation Variant.pdf