When accessing a SUS (Supplier Self Service) page in the portal: "Action has Errors. You are not authorized to call this action" error occurs even if the user has SAP_ALL authorization. This is the screen displayed to the user:
- SRM SUS (Supplier Self Services)
- Supplier Relationship Management SRM
- Versions 5.0, 6.0 and 7.0
SUS roles, SUS Authorization, Action has errors, You are not authorized to call this action, AGR_BUFFI , URL , Você não está autorizado a chamar esta ação , Acción tiene errores , Usted no está autorizado a llamar a esta acción, SUS, , KBA , SRM-SUS , Supplier Self-Services , SRM-SUS-INV , Invoice , SRM-SUS-ADM , Business Partner, User, Customizing , Problem
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