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1507135 - Web Intelligence Report schedules take a long time to run or fail, CMS crashes in clustered environment with 1 CMS stopped/disabled


Web Intelligence report schedules often fail with various errors:

  • "The Job Server's child process is unresponsive."
  • "The job's specified end time was exceeded."

Sometimes the Web Intelligence report schedules complete but take much longer than expected. For instance reports which should complete in 5 minutes take more than 30 minutes.

Eventually resulting in the CMS crashing. The Application Event Viewer records following errors:

  • "Out of memory in the Event Server" 
  • "EventServer: "Fail to communicate result to client." "
  • "[Node Name: SIA_Name][User Name: User1] Server Intelligence Agent: server SIA_Name.CentralManagementServer stopped unexpectedly."
  • "Transport layer problem encountered" 

Adding -trace, the following output is provided in the CMS log file:

2010/09/01 10:23:52.649|>>| | | 5512|26552|}|||||||||||||||IInfoStore_Impl::queryEx3: 0.125
2010/09/01 10:23:52.665|>=| | | 5512|25204| |||||||||||||||CInfoStoreSubsystem::Query result set count estimate is 0
2010/09/01 10:23:52.665|>=| | | 5512|25204|}|||||||||||||||CInfoStoreSubsystem::Query: 30.858
2010/09/01 10:23:52.665|>>| | | 5512|25204|}|||||||||||||||IInfoStore_Impl::queryEx3: 30.858

24/08 07:04 BST (CMS_6752)
2010/08/24 06:04:05.135|==| | | 6752|6680| |||||||||||||||[UID=0;USID=0;ID=86520] ** checking SIA20061.CentralManagementServer server is active.
2010/08/24 06:04:05.135|==| | | 6752|6680| |||||||||||||||CServerWatcher::IsKnownToBeDown: Decided that 86520 was down by using the is down cache
2010/08/24 06:04:05.135|>>| | | 6752|6680|}|||||||||||||||IInfoStore_Impl::queryEx3: 0.11
2010/08/24 06:04:05.135|==| | | 6752|9472| |||||||||||||||ServantObMgr::remove_service(BYPASSSEC_HANDLE) before: service(0x2062927156) of (IDL:OCA/OCAi/InfoStoreEx4:4.0) has refcount of 3
2010/08/24 06:04:05.135|==| | | 6752|9472| |||||||||||||||ServantObMgr::remove_service(BYPASSSEC_HANDLE) after: service(0x2062927156) of (IDL:OCA/OCAi/InfoStoreEx4:4.0) has refcount of 2. cleanup succeeded=true

19/08 11:23 BST
2010/08/19 10:23:15.002|==| | |10468|25812| |||||||||||||||CServerWatcher::IsKnownToBeDown: Decided that 86520 was down by using the is down cache
2010/08/19 10:23:15.002|>>| | |10468|7200|}|||||||||||||||IInfoStore_Impl::queryEx3: 0.141
2010/08/19 10:23:15.002|>>| | |10468|25812|}|||||||||||||||IInfoStore_Impl::queryEx3: 0.141


NOTE: Slow running schedules are due to the known issue - ADAPT01371367, fixed in FP3.1. 



  • Business Objects 3.1 SP2 + FP2.6
  • Clustered environment - 2 CMS's 1 for disaster recovery.


SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 ; SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1


CMS Crash msvcr80.dll Faulting application CMS.exe Cluster Servers stop unexpectedly slow running schedules ADAPT 1371367 , KBA , BI-BIP-PUB , Publishing and scheduling in InfoView/BI launch pad , BI-BIP , Business intelligence platform , Problem

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