BPC Transport failed with following error:
"Errors occurred during post-handling RS_AFTER_IMPORT for APPS L"
On SE01 we see:
Display -> BIDK905363
Logs ->
Execution of programs after import (XPRA)
Transport request : BIDK905363
System : BIQ
tp path : tp
Version and release: 372.04.65 701
Post-import methods for change/transport request: BIDK905363
on the application server: AppServer1
Post-import method RS_AFTER_IMPORT started for APPS L, date and time: 20100524170641
Post-processing taking place in client 020
Start of the after-import method RS_APPS_AFTER_IMPORT for object type(s) APPS (Activation Mode)
Start After Import for AppSet NYPA in Client 020 for RFC BPC
Import Step UPDPTAB completed without errors
Import Step ADMIN_DEF_UPD completed without errors
Failed to create Infoarea Failed to create Infoarea
Create Infoarea /CPMB/NYPA successfully
Failed to create AppSet
Start of the after-import method RS_APPS_AFTER_IMPORT for object type(s) APPS (Delete Mode)
Nothing to delete.
Errors occurred during post-handling RS_AFTER_IMPORT for APPS L
RS_AFTER_IMPORT belongs to package RS
The errors affect the following components:
BW-WHM (Warehouse Management)
Post-import method RS_AFTER_IMPORT completed for APPS L, date and time: 20100524170710
Post-import methods of change/transport request BIDK905363 completed
Start of subsequent processing ... 20100524170641
End of subsequent processing... 20100524170710
Execute reports for change/transport request: BIDK905363
on the application server: AppServer1
Reports for change/transport request BIDK905363 have been executed
Start of................ 20100524170710
End of.................. 20100524170710
Execution of programs after import (XPRA)
End date and time : 20100524170710
Ended with return code: ===> 8 <===
- SAP BusinessObjects Planning and Consolidation 7.0, version for SAP NetWeaver
- SAP BusinessObjects Planning and Consolidation 7.5, version for SAP NetWeaver
Modifiable, RS_AFTER_IMPORT , KBA , EPM-BPC-NW , NetWeaver Version , How To
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