- Data Integrator creates template tables in an IBM iSeries DB2 database the VARCHAR format columns have a default ALLOCATE attribute value of 0.
- Hope to set this ALLOCATE attribute to a value that matches the VARCHAR length of the field in an effort to improve database performance.
- Is there an attribute or setting that can be performed in DIXI R2 to set this ALLOCATE attribute to a different number?
- Data Integrator XI R2
- IBM iSeries DB2 database
- iSeries Client Access for Windows
SAP Data Integrator XI R2 ; SAP Data Integrator XI R2 Accelerated ; SAP Data Services XI 3.0 ; SAP Data Services XI 3.1 ; SAP Data Services XI 3.2
KBA , EIM-DI , Data Integrator, Composer , EIM-DS , Data Services , Product Enhancement
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