- Process Integration (PI) Service users (PI* users) become locked, perhaps after you have followed SAP notes to change the passwords.
- Message processing stops and you notice HTTP 401 errors in transaction sxmb_moni e.g.
- PI Release Independent
- SAP NetWeaver
- SAP Process Integration
Process Integration 7.0, PI 7.0, PI 7.01, PI 7.02, Process Integration 7.10, PI 7.10, Process Integration 7.11, PI 7.11, Process Integration 7.30, PI 7.30, Process Integration 7.31, PI 7.31, Process Orchestration 7.4, PI 7.4, PO 7.4, Process Orchestration 7.5, PI 7.5, PO 7.5, NetWeaver, XI, SID, PIAF<SID>, PIISUSER, PIDIRUSER, PIREPUSER, PIAFUSER, PILDUSER, PIRWBUSER, PIPPUSER, PI_JCO_RFC, SAPJSF, de-central adapter engine, decentral, non-central, AEX, AAE, SU01, Adapter Engine Cache , KBA , BC-XI-IS , Integration Server , BC-XI-CON , Connectivity , BC-XI-IBC , Integration Builder - Configuration , BC-XI-IBD , Integration Builder - Design , BC-XI-IBF , Framework , Problem
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