- "Database login information either incomplete or incorrect" while viewing Crystal Reports.
- Using “Use SSO context for database logon” option.
- BusinessObjects Edge Series XI 3.1 SP2
- Windows Server 2008 64-Bit
- Tomcat 5.5
- CMS Database - SQL Server 2008
- Reporting Database - SQL Server 2008
SPN registered for SQL Server is not provided in the DSN connection for viewing the report.
- Open 32-bit ODBC Connections.
- Navigate to C:\Windows\SysWow64\odbcad32.exe.l
- Go to the DSN of the report and click on configure.
- Select Inegrated Windows authentication as the login mode.
- Under "Specify SPN (Optional)" field provide SPN registered for the SQL Server.
- Now try to view the report, the report will not error out.
- Open profiler in SQL Management Studio, you can see the user crendentials are passed to view the report.
Use SSO context for database logon, Cache Security Context, kerberos, end-to-end SSO , KBA , BI-BIP-AUT , Authentication, ActiveDirectory, LDAP, SSO, Vintela , Problem
SAP Crystal Reports XI R2