In the Report Project Costs and Revenues by Project Structure, Some of the project tasks are appearing twice.
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to workcenter Project Management.
- Select view Reports.
- Select the report Project Costs and Revenues by Project Structure.
- Select the project XYZ in the variable screen.
- Where the project tasks are appearing twice.
The system is working as designed.
The report Project Costs and Revenues by Project Structure displays tasks of a project in an hierarchical structure, which has to consider the different roles of node tasks (i.e. those with child tasks).
The one line of a node task has the aggregation results of the child tasks, the other line has the data directly assigned to the task itself.
However, that FIN report displays only tasks with costs. So not every node task appears twice, because not every node task has costs assigned.
KBA , LOD-CRM-EMP , Employee , Product Enhancement