SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

1529493 - CrystalReportViewer control in toolbox of VS2010 is inactive.


  • Create a new Windows Forms Application in Visual Studio 2010.
  • CrystalReportViewer control in toolbox of VS2010 is inactive or hidden.
  • Unable to drag and drop the control in the design form.

    FW disable.JPG


  • Visual Studio 2010.
  • Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2010.
  • Windows 7 (32 bit).

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Create a new Windows Forms Application in Visual Studio 2010.
  2. Go to the design view of the form.
  3. Check the properties of the project and use '.NET Framework 4 Client Profile' under 'Target framework', in 'Application' tab.
  4. Expand the 'Reporting' section in the toolbox.
  5. CrystalReportViewer is disabled.


  1. Go to the 'Properties' of the project.
  2. Select the 'Application' tab.
  3. Use '.NET Framework 4' in 'Target framework' section.

  4. Click on 'Yes' button in the 'Target Framework Change' window.
  5. Open the windows form in design mode.
  6. Expand the Reporting Section in the toolbox to use the Viewer.

See Also

Background information on this issue can be found on this MSDN Forum thread -  VS 2010 RTM - Toolbox trouble.


cr4vs2010, dot net, .NET, desktop application, viewer control, windows application , KBA , BI-DEV-NET , BI Software Development Kits (SDKs) - .NET or Other , Problem


SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio