- Windows Forms Viewer SDK for VS .NET has a property called "ToolPanelView" which allows hiding of the SidePanel
- The WPF viewer does not have such a property exposed
- Use the following code to show the report
Thread thread = new Thread(HideSideBarThread);
CrystalReportsViewer reportViewer = GetReportViewer();
reportViewer.ViewerCore.ReportSource = report;
- Then use the following support functions
private delegate bool HideCrystalReportsSideBarDelegate();
private void HideSideBarThread()
bool isVisible = true;
int timeOut = 60000;
int currentTime = 0;
while (isVisible && currentTime < timeOut && !this.Dispatcher.HasShutdownStarted)
isVisible = (bool)this.Dispatcher.Invoke(new HideCrystalReportsSideBarDelegate(HideCrystalReportsSideBar), null);
currentTime += 100;
private bool HideCrystalReportsSideBar()
bool isVisible = true; // assume that the default SideBar status is visible
CrystalReportsViewer reportViewer = GetReportViewer();
if (reportViewer != null)
ReportAlbum reportAlbum = (ReportAlbum)reportViewer.ViewerCore.FindName("reportAlbum");
if (reportAlbum != null)
TabControl tabViews = (TabControl)reportAlbum.FindName("tabViews");
if (tabViews != null && tabViews.Items.Count > 0)
DocumentView doc = (DocumentView)tabViews.Items[0];
Grid grid = (Grid)doc.FindName("grid");
if (grid != null)
GridLength gridLength = new GridLength( 0, GridUnitType.Pixel);
if (gridLength != grid.ColumnDefinitions[0].Width) // required on report refresh to wait for the new report
grid.ColumnDefinitions[0].Width = gridLength;
isVisible = false;
return isVisible;
private CrystalReportsViewer GetReportViewer()
CrystalReportsViewer reportViewer = null;
// TODO: implement to return your CrystalReportsViewer
return reportViewer;
cr4vs2010 2010 vs2010 crforvs 13 WPF Windows Presentation Foundation , KBA , BI-DEV-NET , BI Software Development Kits (SDKs) - .NET or Other , How To
SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio