There are troubles with the update rules of the reporting cube when using the request-based multiprovider scenario of SEM-BCS, like:
- Some source fields are empty in the update rules
- Transfer or update rules for the datasource are missing
This leads to malfunction of the datasource, which extracts data from the totals cube into the reporting cube (see further details of the multiprovider scenario in the following how to paper: The current incomplete state of the datasource cannot be solved by re-generation of the SEM-BCS data basis in UCWB.
- SAP SEM-BW release 6.0 and higher
- Using request-based multiprovider scenario
0BCS_REFPER, 0BCS_REFYR, 0BCS_REPMOD , KBA , FIN-SEM-BCS-IS-BW , BW-Reporting , FIN-SEM-BCS-INF-DB , Databasis, Cons area , FIN-SEM-BCS-INF-BW , BW interfaces , How To
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