- Field data overlaps the adjacent field to the right.
- Viewing a Crystal Report in the .NET CrystalReportViewer for the web.
- Crystal Reports XI R2
- Crystal Reports 2008
- Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2010
Reproducing the Issue
- Add a field to a Crystal Report, then re-size the field such that the width is much smaller than the data to be displayed.
- Place another field directly to the right of the first field.
- View the report in the CrystalReportViewer for the web.
- The first field will overlap/bleed into the next field.
- The default behavior for the Crystal Report web form viewer is to not hide or clip data.
- The issue has been identified and logged under Problem Report ID ADAPT01390812.
- This issue is resolved in Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2010 through a configuration setting in the web.config file.
- Add the following configuration settings to the first child of <configuration> in your web.config file.
- Look at the attached file for a functional web.config file.
Note |
This issue is resolved in Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2010. It has not be resolved for any older version, such as Crystal Reports 2008 or Crystal Reports XI R2. At this time there are no plans to fix this issue for older versions of Crystal Reports. It is recommended you use the Can Grow feature for field data instead of the EnableTextClipping. Users may not realize that data is missing in the report. |
<sectionGroup name="businessObjects">
<sectionGroup name="crystalReports">
<section name="crystalReportViewer" type="System.Configuration.NameValueSectionHandler" />
<add key="EnableTextClipping" value="true"/>
text data over lap overlap bleed overrun cover webform ADAPT01260629 , KBA , BI-DEV-NET , BI Software Development Kits (SDKs) - .NET or Other , Problem
Crystal Reports 2008 V1 ; SAP Crystal Reports XI ; SAP Crystal Reports XI R2 ; SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio
Attachments |