- WIS 30270 errors occur after migrating Web Intelligence report to XI 3 that contains multiple, combined or union queries
- Attempting to refresh the WebI report produces the errors:
- Error: ERR_WIS_30270 'processDPCommands'
- Error message: "An internal error occured while calling th ProcessDPCommands API. (ERR_WIS_30270)"
- The WebI Processing Server logs show:
**ERROR:C3_QTDataprovider:BOException caught in cdbQTDataProvider_GenerateSQLStatements : Generic application exception [kc3qtdataprovider.cpp;18
**ERROR:dgDocumentEx:ResetContextsMDP FAILED [kdgDocumentEx.cpp;6305]
**ERROR:dgDocumentEx:doGenerateStatementsMDP FAILED [kdgDocumentEx.cpp;2118]
**ERROR:WICDZ_i:BOException : BOException caught:RESULT=80047521;WHAT=GenerateStatements failed [kdgWICDZProc.cpp;432]
ct_cdz_error_context:MESSAGE:An internal error occured while calling 'processDPCommands' API. (Error: ERR_WIS_30270)
- SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3
- Business Intelligence Platform
- Web Intelligence
SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1
WebI, WebIntelligence, Web Intelligence, SQL, generation, WIS, 30270, WIS30270, WIS_30270, ERR_WIS_30270, processDPCommands, process, DP, Commands, DPCommands, union, multiple, combined, upgrade, migration, migrate, import, wizard, XI, 3.1, r2, XIR2, query, queries, dimension, merged, auto-merge, edit, modify
, KBA , BI-RA-WBI , Web Intelligence , Problem
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