SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

1538138 - Error: "104617efc6dce7e.rtf File is too large for attachment" when exporting a Crystal Report to Microsoft Word (97-2003) format [All Pages] from InfoView or Central Management Console in Crystal Report Server 2008.


  • Exporting to Microsoft Word (97-2003) format [All pages] from InfoView or Central Management Console errors out with '104617efc6dce7e.rtf File is too large for attachment.' and sometimes Timeout [RCIRAS0244].


Crystal Report Server 2008

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Open the report with saved data in CR Designer.
  2. Save it to the repository .
  3. Log in to CMC of Crystal Report Server 2008.
  4. Right Click view the report.
  5. Export to Microsoft Word (97-2003) Format.


  • The report contains and OLE object is way too large to be exported.
  • NOTE: Issue specific to report.
  • Able to export the report successfully to all the formats including Microsoft Word (97-2003) from Crystal Report Designer.
  • Able to export the report successfully to any other formats such as .pdf, .xls also Microsoft Word (97-2003)-Editable from Crystal Report Server 2008.
  • Problematic report exported successfully when given a page range of 1-150 to the same format. i.e. Microsoft Word(97-2003) from Crystal Report Server 2008.
  • Some of Customer's reports with more than 5000 pages were exported successfully to the Microsoft Word (97-2003). Issue also tested in-house with 5473 pages which were exported successfully to Microsoft Word (97-2003).
  • Scheduling those problematic reports to Microsoft Word (97-2003) FAILED.


  1. Open the OLE object used in MS paint.
  2. Skew the image and save it as jpeg or bmp.
  3. Insert the skewed image to the report.


OLE, Microsoft Word (97-2003) format, File is too large for attachment, Timeout, RCIRAS0244 , KBA , BI-BIP-ADM , BI Servers, security, Crystal Reports in Launchpad , Problem


Crystal Reports Server 2008 V0