SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

1539915 - BIOD Client side requirements


What are the requirements on the client side for using the site.  I would like to know what RAM amount is neccessary as well as the Operating System version.


The product is a off premise cloud based computing platform.  Being browser based, the only requirements is that you are using  a browser at a version level higher than IE6.  IE7, IE8, and Firefox are the supported browsers. 

When opening with an unsupported browser  such as Opera, you may see a dialog box explaining that it is not supported, but you will find that there will not be any problems.  Some browsers just have not been fully tested yet.

There is no real requirements concerning the amount of ram as long as there is enough to support the running of the browser.



KBA , BI-OD-BI , Business Intelligence OnDemand , Problem


SAP Crystal Reports XI R2