SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

1542846 - How to configure RAS and SDK custom applications to work through a firewall.


How to configure RAS and SDK custom applications to work through a firewall.


Business Objects XI 3.1

Reproducing the Issue

Business Objects or RAS is behind firewall and custom Java or .NET SDK application is deployed to web application server outside the firewall. RAS call openDocument() to open crystal report faces one of the following issues:

- Call times out in about 10 minute ( default RAS timeout).

- Transport error

- CORBA communication error


Web app server and RAS cannot communicate with each other due to one or more of the following issues.

- RAS communicates over randomly generated ports which have not been open for communication through firewall.

- Static request port has not been set for RAS\ Web App Server.

- Network issues between Web App Server host and RAS.


1. Make sure that the machine running RAS and machine running Web App server can ping each other with IP, shortname and full qualified domain name. If not then add appropriate <ip shortname> key value pair entry in the hosts file.

2. Add the following to RAS command line.

-request <port> 

This is the port where RAS listens to requests. Open this port for communication.

3. Set IIOP port for Java Web Application by adding the following to System properties via code or App Server configuration.

System.setProperty("ooc.iiop.port", "6420");

Once the listener port for the SDK has been set, a rule must be generated on the firewall to allow outbound TCP traffic through this port to complete the configuration.

4. For .NET applications manually create two registry entries to specify the communication parameters, depending on the version of Business Objects Enterprise.

 HKEY_LOCAL_COMPUTER\SOFTWARE\Business Objects\Suite 12.0\CER\RequestPortLower
 HKEY_LOCAL_COMPUTER\SOFTWARE\Business Objects\Suite 12.0\CER\RequestPortUpper 

Set both registry entries to the same value to specify that a single port is to be used by the SDK to listen for connections.


KBA , BI-DEV-JAV , BI Software Development Kits (SDKs) - Java , BI-DEV-NET , BI Software Development Kits (SDKs) - .NET or Other , How To


SAP Crystal Reports XI R2