You are transferring data from SAP APO to SAP ECC system and reverse via the APO Core Interface (CIF) and the queue gets stuck with an error on SAP ERP System.
You want to display the queue content in transaction SMQ1 (Outbound Queues) or SMQ2 (Inbound queues) by double clicking on the queue name but the standard program just displays the technical data.
The displayed content is not readable because only the technical structure is shown.
SAP ERP and SCM APO System
- SAP S/4 Hana with Embedded PP/DS
APO Core Interface (CIF), CIF Queue Display, SMQ1, SMQ2, Anzeige, SMQE , CIFQEV02 , KBA , SCM-APO-INT , Interfaces , SCM-APO-INT-CC , CIF-Cockpit , SCM-APO-INT-MD , Master Data , SCM-APO-INT-CUS , Customizing , How To
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