When a dashboard created in the Xcelsius 2008 Service Pack 1 is moved to Xcelsius 2008 Service Pack 3, the mouse over background color and the border color changes.
Xcelsius 2008 Service Pack 3
Reproducing the Issue
1. Create a sample dashboard in Xcelsius 2008 Service Pack 1.
2. Insert any Chart component to the canvas.
3. Go to Format->Color Scheme menu in Xcelsius and apply any color scheme (e.g. Flow).
4. Preview the dashboard.
5. Move mouse over the Chart component and notice the background color and the border color.
6. Open the same dashboard in Xcelsius 2008 Service Pack 3 and preview it.
7. Move mouse over the Chart component and notice that the background color changes to Bluish Gray and the border color changes to Black.
This issue has been identified and logged under Problem Report ID ADAPT01505461.
This issue has been resolved in Service Pack 3, Fixpack 5.
Mouse, Background, Border, Color , KBA , BI-RA-XL , Obsolete: BusinessObjects Dashboards and Presentation Design , Bug Filed