While refreshing a crystal report based on Oracle stored procedure universe following error shows up:
"Failed to retrieve data from the database.Details: ORA-06550 PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "." when expecting one of the following: begin case declare exit for goto if loop mod null pragma raise return select update while with <an identifier> < a double-quoted delimiter-iden "
- Crystal Reports 2008
- BusinessObjects Enterprise XI R3.1
- Oracle 10g
Reproducing the Issue
- Create a simple universe, using oracle stored procedure
- Export the universe
- Create new report in Crystal Reports Designer
- Select created universe as a data source
- Drag drop the fields required in the report. While refreshing / previewing the report, error shows up
The issue has been identified and logged under ADAPT01487517
Updated instructions on how to use the product have been provided. See below:
If you want to get the “owner” (and “qualifier”) in the generated SQL in order to specify it in the execution from CR, you must go to the Universe Designer, Import and Open your SP universe, and Fill the "owner" area from the “rename table” dialog box.
In this case, you will get a generated SQL such as:
<Procedure uid="SYSTEMTEST" owner="SYSTEM" name="TEST" type="PROCEDURE">
<Parameter name="CRO" type="RefCursor" mode="InOut"/>
ADAPT01487517 , KBA , BI-RA-CR , Crystal Reports designer or Business View Manager , Bug Filed