It is generally accepted to be standard practice to make sure that the “Paging File” on your Microsoft Windows Servers is at least 2.5x the size of the amount of system memory installed in the server. However; there is another overriding rule for PCM servers, which states that you should always make sure that there is enough system memory installed in the server to accommodate all of the memory requirements of the Models hosted there. This means that your PCM Server might have 128GB of system memory, for example, and therefore it is unreasonable to expect the page file to be 320GB especially when you consider that a correctly configured PCM server doesn’t really make any great demands on the Windows paging file.
Therefore, as long as you’re PCM Servers have the correct amount of memory installed, please see the following KBA, then a reasonable page file size of 8-32GB is appropriate. The instruction in the resolution section of this KBA will show you how to configure your paging file size.
1748465 - PCM: What AWE/system memory resources should be allocated to my models/server?
SAP Profitability Cost Management (PCM) v7.5, v10.0
KBA , EPM-PCM-GEN , General , How To
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