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1546218 - PCM : Oracle 11g R2 - #5 Create PCM Schema


The PCM installation manuals describe how to setup PCM to use an Oracle database but they lack specific examples to help with the common questions raised during the installation process. There are six steps required to take a new environment from nothing to a complete and working PCM system connected to an Oracle database.

  1. KBA:1546214, "PCM: Oracle 11g R2 - #1 Installation"
  2. KBA:1546171, "PCM: Oracle 11g R2 - #2 Create PCM Database"
  3. KBA:1546215, "PCM: Oracle 11g R2 - #3 Create PCM TableSpace"
  4. KBA:1546209, "PCM: Oracle 11g R2 - #4 Listener Configuration"
  5. KBA:1546218, "PCM: Oracle 11g R2 - #5 Create PCM Schema"
  6. KBA:1546210, "PCM: Oracle 11g R2 - #6 Configuration Wizard"

This KBA covers step (5) and demonstrates one way to create the PCM Schema to store the PCM models and data taking into account the guidance in the installation manuals.



  • SAP Profitability and Cost Management 10 onwards including Support Packages (PCM)


SAP Profitability and Cost Management all versions


jmhiv, oracle install , KBA , EPM-PCM , Profitability and Cost Management, EPO, PP, AA, Metify , How To

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