How to uninstall DataDirect ODBC 5.3 drivers from a Windows XP machine
Reproducing the Issue
- Install DataDirect ODBC 5.3 drivers on a Windows XP machine
- Go to Control Panel -> Add or Remove Programs
- Observe that DataDirect ODBC 5.3 drivers is not listed in Add or Remove Programs and we have no uninstaller as well
The DataDirect ODBC 5.3 installer does not create an entry under Add or Remove Programs nor does it have a .exe file to uninstall the drivers
This resolution involves making a modification to the System Registry. This is not an operation supported under normal procedures of SAP BusinessObjects. Therefore we recommend that this operation only be performed under the direction of Support staff. Create a backup of the System Registry before making any changes.
- Go to C:\Windows\System32
- Delete the folder ‘DataDirect’
- Go to ‘regedit’ (Click Start -> Run and type regedit)
- Delete all the keys starting with the letters ‘CR’
- While in the same registry folder (ODBCINST.INI) and a key called ‘ODBC Drivers’ and click on it
- The pane on the right hand side should display all the string values for ‘ODBC Drivers’
- Again, delete all the keys starting with the letters ‘CR’
- Click on Start -> Run and type odbcad32
- The ODBC Data Source Administrator window opens up
- Click the ‘Drivers’ tab and observe that the DataDirect drivers are no longer present
NOTE: A typical install of DataDirect would contain 9 ODBC drivers, so when you browse through to ODBCINST.INI you should see 9 ODBC drivers starting with ‘CR’
Uninstall DataDirect drivers , KBA , BI-RA-CR , Crystal Reports designer or Business View Manager , How To