Parallel installation of BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1 with an already existing BusinessObjects Enterprise XI R2 Server.
This is not considered a best practice, and should only be used in extreme situations. SAP best practice is to install on a separate machine or VM and discard the old machine after migration. Keep in mind while reading these instructions, that you'll need to statically assign every port for every service in order to bring both up at the same time. The same instructions do not apply to Linux/Unix where the parallel installation is a bit less cumbersome. Support for this type of installation is limited, so please consider the separate installs before preceding.
Tomcat Application server
Side by side installation; BOE XI R2; BOE XI 3.1; change port numbers; , KBA , BI-BIP-DEP , Webapp Deployment, Networking, Vulnerabilities, Webservices , How To
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