- After launching Business Objects install and filling in the various parameters at the beginning, the installer stalls almost immediately
- bobje/../setup/logs/BusinessObjects.12.3.log provides the following result:
[info] Creating database at: $INSTALLDIR/setup/data/installerDatabase.db [info] Creating table: PRODUCT |
- Launching the install with a system trace (strace on linux) as per the first line in bold below, the following output is provided at the end of the log file:
$strace -f -o ~/install-fail.txt -e all ./ |
- Linux Red Hat
- Business Objects Enterprise XI 3.1 installer
- Business Objects Enterprise XI 3.1 SP3 installer
- NFS share used for install
SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 ; SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1
KBA , BI-BIP-DEP , Webapp Deployment, Networking, Vulnerabilities, Webservices , Problem
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