Sometimes it is necessary to import data from a Microsoft SQL Database using an ODBC connection.
If there are no ODBC connections listed in data bridge follow the process below:
- BusinessObjects Performance Optimization v 11.20 (EPO)
- BusinessObjects Performance Profitability v 11.30 (EPM)
- BusinessObjects Profitability and Cost Management v 7 (EPM)
- SAP BusinessObjects Profitability and Cost Management 7.5 (PCM)
- SAP BusinessObjects Profitability and Cost Management 10.0 (PCM)
SAP Profitability and Cost Management 10.0 ; SAP Profitability and Cost Management 11.3 ; SAP Profitability and Cost Management 11.3, service pack 1 ; SAP Profitability and Cost Management 7.5
jmhiv, EPM, EPM-PCM , Profit, SAP PCM, SAP Profitability and Cost Management, SBOP PCM, SAP BusinessObjects Profitability and Cost Management , KBA , EPM-PCM-DAT-IMP , Import , How To
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