While trying to start the SAP Application Server JAVA, the operation fails and the below error is logged in the trace files (default trace file, std_server<x> and dev_server<x>):
ERROR => can't create named pipe /tmp/.jstartup_1333.fifo (errno=17 File exists) [jstartux_mt. 147] ERROR => Can't create named pipe (rc = -1) [jlnchrq_mt.c103] ERROR => can't initialize local request queue [jlnchxx_mt.c324] JLaunchCloseProgram
- Release Independent
- SAP NetWeaver
jcmon, instance startup, SAP MMC, SMICM, SPACE, SHM, kernel /tmp directory, can't create named pipe, JCMON, ERP SRM CRM ERP PPM SEM APO XI PI PORTAL Startup issue , KBA , BC-JAS-COR , Enterprise Runtime, Core J2EE Framework , Problem
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