- Installation of XI3.1 SP2 fails.
- All server setting confirm to the supported platforms
- Installer seems to get hung during the deployment of the war files
- A Truss on the install process shows SIGSEGV errors indicating possible hardware / memory related issues.
- No other significant errors listed in the BO install logs or wdeploy logs.
- Corefile generated upon SP2 installer failure, which belonged to SIA
- Efforts to manually start the SIA ( failed with a java core
- mdb debug messages indicated following:
bash-2.05$ mdb core
mdb: failed to read /boe_adm2/BOBJ_R3/bobje/jdk/bin/java section headers: I/O error
mdb: failed to read /boe_adm2/BOBJ_R3/bobje/jdk/bin/java section headers: I/O error
mdb: failed to initialize target: I/O error - Upon further inspecting the java (overwritten by SP2 installer), java (-version) command produces a corefile with an error:
core dumped / unknown headers
Product Version - BusinessObjects Enterprise XI3.1
OS - Solaris 9
DB - Oracle 10g
Patches installed - SP2 (ongoing install)
App Server - Tomcat
JDK Version - Default
.NET or Java - Java
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform R2
XI3.1 SP2 install fails solaris uvscan sigsegv , KBA , BI-BIP-DEP , Webapp Deployment, Networking, Vulnerabilities, Webservices , Problem
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