- Incorrect database logon code will result in a number of errors
- Sample error messages and behaviors:
Unknown Database Connector Error Error in File C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\Report1003 {guid ...}.rpt: Unknown Database Connector Error CrystalReportViewer - CrystalReportViewer1 Error: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Failed to load database error. Error in file myReport C:\DOCUME~1\DMTEST\ASPNET\LOCALS~1\Temp\test {guid ...}.rpt
CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.InternalException Message: Failed to open the connection. Failed to open the connection. myReport {guid ...}.rpt
Failed to load database information.
Error in File temp_{guid ...}.rpt:
Unknown Query Engine ErrorError in File C:\temp\temp_{guid ...}.rpt:
Query Engine Error: {guid ...}.rpt
Failed to load database information. Details: The database DLL 'crdb_oracle.dll' could not be loaded. Error in File C:\DOCUME~1\DMTEST\ASPNET\LOCALS~1\Temp\test {guid ...}.rpt: Failed to load database information
Looping logon
- The attached utility will write out the correct database logon code for a particular report
- The code will be written out in VB and C#
- To use the utility, follow the instructions in the readme.txt file
log database failed change crvs2010 vs2010 vs 2010 , KBA , BI-DEV-NET , BI Software Development Kits (SDKs) - .NET or Other , How To
CodeBuilder-RasConnectionInfo (cr 2008 net2008).zip |
CodeBuilder-RasConnectionInfo (CR 2008 NET 2005 ).zip |
CodeBuilder-RasConnectionInfo (NET2010 CRVS2010).zip |