- openDocument link used to open a successful instance of a Web Intelligence report specifying filter values causes the data to be refreshed against the database
- openDoc URL specifies that no refresh should occur (sRefresh=N)
- Example openDocument URL that causes WebI to run against the reporting data source:
- BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1
- BI 4.0
- Web Intelligence
- URL Reporting via openDocument
SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1
WebI, WebIntelligence, Web Intelligence, opendoc, opendocument, open document, URL, reporting, link, hyperlink, hyper link, HTML, HTTP, database, data base, data source, datasource, document, report, instance, successful, schedule, prompt, parameter, sRefresh, existing, finished, filter, value, LOV, refresh, run, SQL, ADAPT01481584, ADAPT1481584, ADAPT, 01481584, 1481584 , KBA , BI-RA-WBI , Web Intelligence , Problem
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