- If a Desktop Intelligence document exists in a directory, a Web Intelligence document cannot be saved to the same directory via the WebI Rich Client (WRC) if it has the same document name as the DeskI document in Infoview
- An error occurs: Unexpected exception occured (WIS 30567)
- If the Java Report Panel (JRP) is used instead of the WRC, a WebI report with the same name as the DeskI report can be saved to the same folder in Infoview
- BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3
- Web Intelligence Rich Client
SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1
WebI, Web Intelligence, WebIntelligence, Rich Client, RichClient, WRC, WIS, 30567, 30952, error, same, name, duplicate, report, document, DeskI, DesktopIntelligence, Desktop Intelligence, full client, reporter, 2-tier, 3-tier, zabo, directory, public folder, folder, category, save as, save, cannot, unable, will not, won't, can't, ADAPT01491089, ADAPT1491089, ADAPT, 01491089, 1491089 , KBA , BI-RA-WBI , Web Intelligence , Bug Filed
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