Even though performance and reliability issues fall into many categories and can have numerous causes, the methods used to track down their causes are fairly standard in their approach and the diagnostic process tends to follow a predictable path.
This KBA will help you to understand the different kinds of performance & reliability issues there are and what needs to be done to discover their causes so that appropriate action can be taken.
Some types of PCM performance and reliability issues
- PCM Model takes too long to calculate.
- PCM User interface is slow and/or locks up.
- Reports take too long to complete.
- Grid values take a long time or never display.
SAP Profitability and Cost Management 10 onwards including Support Packages (PCM)
Performance, Reliability, slow, calculation long time, PCM freeze, hang , KBA , EPM-PCM , Profitability and Cost Management, EPO, PP, AA, Metify , How To
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