- Internet browser crashes with no error if Infoview "Document Viewing" preferences are set to either of the following options:
- In a single fullscreen browser window, one document at a time
- In multiple fullscreen browser windows, one window for each document - This occurs in both .NET and JAVA Infoview in Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) and Mozilla FireFox
- In IE, the problem can be worked around by enabling "Automatic prompting for downloads" security setting, but FireFox has no comparable setting
- BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1
- Desktop Intelligence
- .NET & Java Infoview
SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1
DeskI, DesktopIntelligence, Desktop Intelligence, full client, 3-tier, zabo, IE, Internet Explorer, MS, Microsoft, Mozilla, FireFox, Fire Fox, FF, Safari, Opera, browser, internet, infoview, document, viewing, preferences, general, window, new, full screen, fullscreen, crash, few seconds, disappears, won't, doesn't, can't, open, launch, modify, edit, ADAPT01522316, ADAPT1522316, ADAPT, 01522316, 1522316 , KBA , BI-RA-DKI , Obsolete - Desktop Intelligence , Problem
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