- How to create a Crystal Report against a Teradata database using JDBC connection
- How to configure CRConfig.xml file to connect to a Teradata database using JDBC connection
Crystal Reports 2008 (All Patch Levels)
- Download the latest Teradata JDBC drivers from
- Extract the two .jar files (terajdbc4.jar, tdgssconfig.jar) in any directory (For e.g.: C:\JDBCDrivers )
- Open the ‘CRConfig.xml’ file located in ‘C:\Program Files\Business Objects\Common\4.0\java’
- Add the exact location of the two .jar files mentioned above to the <Classpath> tag. Here’s a sample <Classpath> tag from the CRConfig.xml and the reference to the .jar files (In Bold):
- Now configure the <JDBCURL>, <JDBCClassName> and the <JDBCUserName> as follows:
- Save this file and open Crystal Reports 2008
- Create a new report and choose ‘JDBC(JNDI)’ as the connection type
- Observe that the ‘Connection URL’ and the ‘Database Classname’ have already been populated as we have mentioned all these details in the CRConfig.xml file
- Click on Next and the database user name would also be automatically filled in. Enter the password and Click on ‘Finish’
- All the tables would now be listed and you may go ahead and create a report
<Classpath>C:\Program Files\Business Objects\Common\4.0\java/lib/crlovmanifest.jar;C:\Program Files\Business
Objects\Common\4.0\java/lib/CRLOVExternal.jar;C:\Program Files\Business Objects\Common\4.0\java/lib/CRDBJDBCServer.jar;C:\Program Files\Business
Objects\Common\4.0\java/lib/CRDBXMLServer.jar;C:\Program Files\Business Objects\Common\4.0\java/lib/CRDBJavaBeansServer.jar;C:\Program Files\Business
Objects\Common\4.0\java/lib/external/log4j.jar;C:\Program Files\Business Objects\Common\4.0\java/lib/CRDBSForceServer.jar;C:\Program Files\Business
Objects\Common\4.0\java/lib/external/CRDBSForceExternal.jar;C:\Program Files\Business Objects\Common\4.0\java/lib/CRDBWicServer.jar;C:\Program
Files\Business Objects\Common\4.0\java/lib/external/CRDBWicExternal.jar;C:\Program Files\Business Objects\Common\4.0\java/lib/external/CRDBXMLExternal.jar; C:\JDBCDrivers\terajdbc4.jar; C:\JDBCDrivers\tdgssconfig.jar;${CLASSPATH}</Classpath>
<JDBCUserName>database user name </JDBCUserName>
See Also
1201305 - Creating JDBC Connections in Crystal Reports XI
JDBC connection, Crystal Reports, Teradata , KBA , BI-RA-CR , Crystal Reports designer or Business View Manager , Problem