One or more of the following errors are observed on SAP system running Oracle database.
- ORA-01578: ORACLE data block corrupted - most traditional block corruption
- ORA-01410: Invalid ROWID
- ORA-01498: Block check failure - see trace file
- ORA-08102: Index key not found
- ORA-08103: Object no longer exists= End of table reached - not detected by dbverify
- ORA-01499: Table/index cross reference failure
- ORA-600 [3339] dba in header is wrong
- ORA-600 [12700] index row pointing to a non-existant row
- ORA-600 [kdsgrp1]
- SAP release independent
- Oracle release independent
block, corruptions, restore, recovery, consistency , KBA , BC-DB-ORA , Oracle , How To
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