A saved Workspace is opened, and then refreshed, without making any changes to the default values already held for the prompts. An error is then shown:
Other anomalies include:
- The 'last selected prompt value' for Company Code shows '100' (for example), but switches to '1000PC1000' if you confirm the same parameter selection again
- The "Prompt summary" dialogue shows unexpected entries on the 2nd refresh. The text incorrectly shows a range "BETWEEN-INCLUDE" on Region (for example), although the 1st Run was saved with single value i.e. "EQUAL TO-INCLUDE"
- On the 2nd refresh, when opening the value list (e.g. to modify Year parameter '2011'), searching in the Members List for the same value (e.g. 2011) returns: <<No members found with 2011 in the Key>>
- BI4.0 + Any patch
- Advanced Analysis Web (edition for OLAP)
- BEx Query via BICS Access
- OLAP Connections defined in CMC App
SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI
Analysis, edition for OLAP , KBA , BI-RA-AWB , Analysis, edition for OLAP (Web) , Bug Filed
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