- When trying to set the "Work Status" in BPC for NetWeaver web administration, error "It was not possible to connect to the server ABAP" is returned.
- ST22 ABAP dump error is seen as follows:
| "GET_REGION_LOCK_INFO" - SM21 System log shows error: "Run-time error SAPSQL_INVALID_FILENAME occurred".
SAP Business Planning and Consolidation (BPC) version 7.5 for NetWeaver (NW) platform.
function, module, UJW_API_GET_CURRENT_WS_LCKS, failing, method, GET_REGION_LOCK_INFO, temporary, misses, statuses, workstatus, workstate, It was not possible to connect to the server ABAP, SAPSQL_INVALID_FIELDNAME, CX_SY_DYNAMIC_OSQL_SEMANTICS, CL_UJW_WORK_STATUS_DAO. , KBA , EPM-BPC-NW , NetWeaver Version , How To
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