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1561954 - BOE Integration, CMS Enterprise Security - PCM


This KBA (Knowledge Based Article) provides the steps required to setup a working example of an environment configured with PCM to CMS integration using Enterprise authentication.

PCM to CMS integration is required as the basis for many other integration options offered to PCM. The PCM application suite has its own user authentication mechanism and users can be created and maintained using Model Builder which is the main PCM client application. However; when integrating PCM with other BusinessObjects products, like InfoView or FIM, then PCM needs to logon through the BusinessObjects Enterprise suite so that users can share information between both applications. The application that manages user accounts within BusinessObjects Enterprise is the CMS (Client Management System).

After the instructions in this document have been followed, anyone logging into PCM will be presented with a BusinessObjects Enterprise login prompt instead of the usual PCM login prompt. So PCM users will be authenticated through the BusinessObjects CMS enabling BusinessObjects applications to share data with PCM.

The following environment is required to work through this example:

  1. SQL1: PCM Database Server – Windows Server , Microsoft SQL Server.
  2. APP1: PCM Applications Server – Windows Server , PCM v10.0.
  3. BOE1: BusinessObjects Enterprise Server – Windows Server, BOE XI . See the following KBAs for instructions on how to install and prepare the BOE server:
    1. BOE Installation #1, Setup (KBA: 1582341)
    2. BOE Installation #2, Apply SP3 (KBA: 1582342)
    3. BOE Installation #3, Apply FP3.3 (KBA: 1582392)

The steps required are collected into five main sections:

  1. Install the “BOE Addins for .NET InfoView”.
  2. Copy the “BOE Addin” files to the CMS server.
  3. Configure PCM to the CMS server.
  4. Import users from the CMS server into PCM.
  5. Test Enterprise authentication in PCM.

When the above steps are complete and PCM to CMS integration is working.

After following the steps in this document you will be able to consider installing additional integration features that rely on this PCM to CMS integration:

  1. PCM to InfoView (1561995 - PCM: BOE Integration, InfoView.)
  2. PCM to FIM.



  • SAP Profitability and Cost Management 10.0 (PCM)


SAP Profitability and Cost Management all versions


EPM,  EPO, SAP-PCM, EPM-PCM, SBOP PCM, integration, Central Management Server, authentication, security , KBA , EPM-PCM , Profitability and Cost Management, EPO, PP, AA, Metify , How To

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