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1563625 - Exporting Desktop Intelligence reports to Microsoft Excel (xls) is displaying the object labels in the chart which is obscuring data for end users


  • Exporting Desktop Intelligence reports to Microsoft Excel (xls) is displaying the object labels in the chart which is obscuring data for end users
  • Object data labels are not set to display in DeskI, but appear after exporting to MS Excel
  • Issue occurs when performing a "Save As" or "Save to my computer as" from Infoview or the DeskI client (2-tier and 3-tier)



  • BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3
  • Desktop Intelligence


SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1


DeskI, DesktopIntelligence, Desktop Intelligence, full client, thick client, 2-tier, 3-tier, zabo, tool, blocks, obscure, obscuring, blocking, covers, covering, cannot see, display, label, object, values, name, title, dimension, measure, detail, chart, graph, export, save, saving, save to, save as, excel, xls, microsoft, MS, report, document, unable, appear, ADAPT01521452, ADAPT1521452, ADAPT, 01521452, 1521452 , KBA , BI-RA-WBI , Web Intelligence , Bug Filed

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