Some of the following symptoms occurs:
- The work process trace (dev_w*) shows the following error "*** ERROR => EqSet1(): GetFreeArg() failed, ArgTable overflow";
- ENSA traces like dev_enqwork report errors like:
[Thr 15300] ***LOG GEA=> [enxxmenq.h 2035]
[Thr 15300] ***LOG GZZ=> EnqueCluster: rtc=16 [enxxmenq.h 2036]
[Thr 15300] *** ERROR => EnqueCluster: EntryTable overflow [enxxmenq.h 2023]
[Thr 15300] ***LOG GZZ=> EnqueCluster: rtc=16 [enxxmenq.h 2036]
[Thr 15300] *** ERROR => EnqueCluster: ArgTable overflow [enxxmenq.h 2014]
[Thr 15300] *** ERROR => EnqueCluster: EntryTable overflow [enxxmenq.h 2023]
- The error pops "A system error has occurred while locking" up and the transaction fails;
- Syslog (SM21) shows "SAPSYS GE G Lock table overflow" or some of the following errors:
"Lock table overflow" (Message no. MC603).
ENQ 000 GEA Internal lock administration error
ENQ 000 GZZ > EnqueCluster: rtc=16 enxxmenq2036
ENQ 000 GEA Internal lock administration error
ENQ 000 GZZ > EnqueCluster: rtc=16 enxxmenq2036
DIA 026 042 EGD > Error locking table TBTCO
DIA 026 042 EGD > Error locking table TBTCO
- On SM12 -> Extras -> Diagnosis system returns errors during lock operation.
- The log file ENQHISOVR inside of ENSA work folder shows:
EnqStoreTopHist: Lock Table Overflow at yyy/mm/dd 12:34:56 caused by
Top user 1:
Cnt= 56382 Cli=<CLIENT> Uname=<USER> Tcode=<CODE>
- On SM12 -> Extras -> Statistics the following "Maximum Fill level" reached the "Maximum Number..."
Maximum Number of Lock Owners 112878
Maximum Fill level 112878
Current Fill Level 4
Maximum Number of Lock Arguments 112878
Maximum Fill level 112878
Current Fill Level 79
Maximum Number of Lock Entries 112878
Maximum Fill level 112878
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ASCS, SCS, enque ,ENQ_OVERFLOW, EnquServerException, enque/table_size, overflow, ArgTable overflow, EntryTable overflow, ENSA1, ENSA2, ENQHISOVR, lock table is too small , KBA , BC-CST-EQ , Enqueue , Problem
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