- There is a query that comes from BO XI environment to Oracle that contains /*+ RULE */. This is not a report, but something BOXI is doing to look at Oracle metadata.
- In Oracle 10g, this appears to be causing an issue. It causes 450k buffer gets per execution.
- This results in latch waits and decreased performance time.
- Without the /*RULE*/ hint is much better. Execution time goes from 2-4 seconds to .4 seconds, the buffer will be greatly reduced.
- Where does this query come from and how /*RULE*/ hint can be removed from the query? This should not really be used for a cost based optimizer.
BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.1.
Windows Server 2003.
Oracle 10G (10.2.3 or above)
Middleware native client driver (Oracle
SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence platform R2
Hint, Oracle, Slow performance, optimize. , KBA , BI-BIP-ADM , BI Servers, security, Crystal Reports in Launchpad , Problem
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