- You are migrating from Business Objects Enterprise XI R2.x to Business Objects Enterprise XI3.x but the scheduled tasks are are not getting migrated.
- Crystal Report Server XI2, 2008
- Business Objects Enterprise XIR2.x
- Business Objects Enterprise XI3.1
- Your scheduling task can not be migrated while they are scheduled to run or are running.
- When you migrate recurring schedules from one environment to another, make sure you also migrate anything associated with that schedule. Events, server groups, etc.
- If migrating report instances also migrate the events associated with the report schedules.
- If a schedule is setup with a specific server group, the events and server groups must be migrated with the report recurring instances.
In order that report schedules do not immediately kick off and ran once they land in XI 3.1 you need to first pause the recurring schedules in XIR2, and then migrate them to XI 3.1.
Once the report schedules are in XI 3.1 they can be batch unpaused in the XI 3.1 CMC using the new instance manager which works well for batch manipulation of schedules and instances.
recurring, schedule, task, migration, xi2, xi3, import wizard , KBA , BI-BIP-DEP , Webapp Deployment, Networking, Vulnerabilities, Webservices , Problem
Crystal Reports Server 2008 V0