While patching BusinessObjects Enterprise (BOE) XI 3.1 with SP2 or SP3, installing BOE XI 3.1 SP3, or repairing an existing install, the following error occurs repeatedly:
SAP BusinessObjects Enteprise XI 3.1 Update: |
The list of other DLL impacted is defined below:
AppPluginMGR.dll AuditAdmin.dll cs_http_pludin.dll cs_corba_pludin.dll ImportSDK.dll importfile.dll importent6.dll ExportSDK.dll ExportBIAR.dll ImportBIAR.dll XCelsiusDMTemplate.dll cs_container.dll dbtool.dll desktoppluginhelper_myinfoview.dll desktoppluginhelper_content.dll desktoppluginhelper_fullClient.dll desktoppluginhelper_report.dll desktoppluginhelper_webi.dll desktoppluginhelper_program.dll desktoppluginhelper_objectpackage.dll desktoppluginhelper_fullClientAddin.dll desktoppluginhelper_publication.dll desktoppluginhelper_hyperlink.dll desktoppluginhelper_FullClientTemplate.dll scriptinghelpers.dll utcconverter.dll MDAnalysis.dll CommonConnection.dll procprogram.dll rasauditingw.dll SSOAdmin.dll WebiServerAdmin.dll |
Trying to register the file manually, the following error occurs:
RegSvr32 LoadLibrary("AFDPlugin.dll") failed - This application has failed to start because the appluication configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix the problem. |
\Business Objects\BusinessObjects Enterprise 12.0\win32_x86\AFDPlugin.dll failed to register. HRESULT -2147010895..." when installing or repairing patches in BOE XI 3.1"> Read more...
- BusinessObjects Enterprise (BOE) XI3.1 SP2 and SP3 patches
- Windows 2003
1904, AFDPlugin, HRESULT, VC++ , KBA , BI-BIP-DEP , Webapp Deployment, Networking, Vulnerabilities, Webservices , Problem
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